
Elon Musk’s social media responses were well-advised by Tim Cook. In order to avoid getting into an unneeded debate with an attention-seeker, the CEO of Apple stated that there was no use in responding to Elon Musk. Furthermore, Elon Musk claimed that Apple was threatening to take Twitter out of the App Store without providing a justification.

Apple CEO has no benefit in responding to Elon Musk, avoiding an unnecessary argument with an attention seeker.

Tim Cook’s failure to respond to Elon Musk shows his wisdom. Photo: Reuters.

After a month of stabilizing Twitter, Elon Musk has turned his focus to confronting Apple. Twitter CEO realized that the membership registration package that the social network is cherishing will depend heavily on Apple’s App Store, and the commission split is also very high.

Not only that, Elon Musk also said that Apple is threatening to remove Twitter from the App Store without giving a reason. Part of this action comes from the fact that Apple may flag Twitter during the app review process because of concerns that content moderation policies are not guaranteed.

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According to Inc author Jason Aten, Elon Musk’s war with Apple is not as notable as CEO Tim Cook’s response.

In fact, Tim Cook did not respond or declare war in return. Even when Elon Musk tagged the Apple CEO in a Twitter post, he took no action. Instead, Tim Cook chose to have a direct conversation with Elon Musk, according to the Twitter boss’s latest revelation.
Author Jason Aten believes that Tim Cook has no reason to respond to Elon Musk. Photo: Valiant.

Tim Cook is a busy man and it’s unlikely he saw Elon Musk’s tweets declaring war. However, it is worth noting that neither Tim Cook nor senior members of Apple paid attention to Elon Musk, even though the owner of Twitter posted a meme on Twitter to wage war against Apple.

Not getting into the fight with Elon Musk is a wise move by Tim Cook, author Jason Aten said. Mr. Aten believes that we will never win when confronting a troll (referring to individuals who like to cause trouble).

The way Twitter CEO wages war is also very different, because no partner has ever negotiated commission fees on the App Store on Twitter. Therefore, Aten believes that Tim Cook does not have a suitable answer, so he does not necessarily have to respond to Elon Musk.

Elon Musk vs. Tim Cook: What the Two Have Said About One Another - Newsweek

In addition, talking too much on Twitter makes Elon Musk’s statements lack seriousness. Elon Musk has always shown himself to be an impulsive person and willing to declare anything to attract users’ attention.

Typically, the reaction he seeks will come from a following or supporter base. In the case of Apple, Elon Musk hopes to lure Tim Cook into a war of words. Ultimately, Tim Cook did not respond and this action was completely appropriate

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