
6 vegetarian dishes made from the best healthy vegetarian foods

More and more people are choosing to be vegetarian to be good for their bodies. So what foods are used to make vegetarian dishes that are easy to make, delicious, and nutritious for the body?
6 vegetarian dishes made from the best healthy vegetarian foods
When being vegetarian, dishes made from soy are indispensable

Here are 6 dishes made from foods that are considered best for making vegetarian dishes:

1. Soybeans

When eating vegetarian, many people will immediately think of tofu and some products made from soy. Soy milk, tofu or soybeans are all rich sources of protein.

Soybeans are an especially good protein because they contain 9 essential amino acids. The body cannot create those compounds on its own, non-vegetarians mainly get them from animal proteins such as beef, chicken and eggs.

Soybeans also contain potassium and iron, fiber… Most of the fats in soybeans are polyunsaturated fats, including important omega-6 and omega-3 fats.

According to nutrition experts, soy products are good and safe for health. Like all vegetables and grains, soy foods are naturally cholesterol-free.

2. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a low-calorie food packed with nutrients. Packed with health-boosting vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, mushrooms have long been recognized as an important part of any diet.

Mushrooms are a low-calorie food that is very nutritious for vegetarians

Mushrooms have a naturally sweet umami flavor and are used as a meat substitute in many vegetarian dishes. Depending on the variety, mushrooms can contain nutrients commonly found in meat such as iron, selenium, zinc, copper and some B vitamins, vitamin D…

According to Dr. Marvin Moser, Professor of Clinical Medicine at Yale University, 2 out of 3 people over the age of 75 have high blood pressure. To achieve lower blood pressure, seniors should follow a diet rich in potassium and low in salt. Consuming mushrooms can help alleviate hypertension because they are high in potassium and low in sodium.

3. White cabbage

White radish is a nutritious food that cannot be ignored. It has anti-cough, phlegm and anti-inflammatory effects.

White cabbage is indispensable in the nutritional process

In Oriental medicine, white cabbage can reduce fever, reduce heat, and cure coughs with phlegm. Modern science has researched and proven that white cabbage has high nutritional value and is rich in vitamin C. But people with cold constitutions are not suitable to eat a lot of white cabbage.

4. White porridge

White porridge protects the stomach’s vitality, is good for the digestive system, and is suitable for people with poor appetite and physical weakness.

Eating white porridge is good for the body, especially those who are weak

Porridge is a healthy, easy-to-make nutritious dish that can be varied by adding vegetables such as celery, onions, spinach… nuts such as almonds, pecans… or oriental medicinal herbs. It’s okay.

5. Seaweed

Seaweed is rich in nutrients and minerals, so it helps maintain a beautiful appearance and good health. Because it is fibrous and easily soluble, seaweed is easy to digest and absorb, and has a low calorific value, so eating a lot does not worry about getting fat, very suitable for people who want to lose weight.

Seaweed is rich in nutrients and minerals, so it helps maintain a beautiful appearance and good health.

You can use vinegar to soften seaweed and mix it into a salad that is both easy to eat and good for your health.

6. Pine nuts

Pine nuts have the effect of clearing the intestines and skin, are a very nutritious vegetarian dish, and have the effect of strengthening the body.

Pine nuts are a very nutritious vegetarian dish that strengthens the body.

Pine nuts contain a lot of oil that soothes the skin, enhances its smoothness, and also lubricates joints and unsaturated fatty acids, thus reducing infection reactions.

The best way to use it is to roast it at high temperature and then wrap it tightly for later use.

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