Astronomers Find a White Dwarf Pulsar

When astronomers talk about the “end states” of stellar evolution, several categories come to mind: black holes, neutron stars/pulsars, and white dwarfs. What happens if one star ends…

Meet Annie Jump Cannon, the “Harvard Computer” that Brought Order Out of Chaos

These Hubble Space Telescope images showcase two of the 19 galaxies analyzed in a project to improve the precision of the universe’s expansion rate, a value known as…

Meet the Giant Prehistoric African Predator, The SuperCroc Unleashed

There were several species of giant prehistoric crocodiles that lived during the Mesozoic Era (about 252-66 million years ago) and coexisted with dinosaurs. One such species was Sarcosuchus,…

Astronomers Find the Second White Dwarf Pulsar in History

White dwarf pulsars include a rapidly spinning, burnt-out stellar remnant called a white dwarf, which lashes a companion red dwarf with powerful beams of electrical particles and radiation,…

Supermassive Black Holes that are merging have never been seen by astronomers. Perhaps Things Are About to Change

Gravitational wave astronomy currently can only detect powerful rapid events, such as the mergers of neutron stars or stellar mass black holes. We’ve been very successful in detecting…

In a Flash: NASA’s Juno Mission Captures Lightning on Jupiter

A few days ago I wrote about the search for Population III stars. These stars were the first stars of the universe. Giant beasts hundreds of times more massive…

Can We Predict if a System Will Have Giant Planets?

Prediction is one of the hallmarks of scientific endeavors. Scientists pride themselves on being able to predict physical realities based on inputs. So it should come as no…

Unearth the Splendor: Roman Chariot and Horses’ Ruins Discovered in Croatia

Archaeologists in Croatia have recently discovered the fossilized remains of a Roman chariot accompanied by two horses, indicating that it was part of a burial ritual. The excavation…

Laos’ Fossil Discovery Indicates that Modern Humans Departed Africa and Arrived in Asia Significantly Earlier than Previously Believed.

What connects a fossil found in a cave in northern Laos with stone tools made in north Australia? The answer is, we do. When our early Homo sapiens…

Archaeologists are frightened by a mysterious ancient couple who exchanged hearts before to being married.

In 2013, archaeologists excaʋating a conʋent close to Rennes, France, found a 357-year-old* lead сoffіп. A surprisingly well-preserʋed Ƅody with leather shoes and religious garмents inside was found…