
Discover the mystery behind the enigmatic “alien” circles.

Searching for the enigma behind the mysterious circles of “extraterrestrial beings”“Extraterrestrial beings or some mysterious civilization with an advanced level beyond humans have created these mysterious circles.”Have you ever witnessed a colossal masterpiece on a vast, sprawling field that seemingly stretches to infinity?If you have, and have heard that these “perfect down to the centimeter” paintings were created in just one night, do you believe it?

It’s hard to believe, isn’t it? And that’s a big mystery that humanity is still seeking answers for.

This article will help you explore some of the “dark territories” surrounding the mysterious circles on the fields, which are commonly referred to as crop circles. What are they? What is the history of their appearance? How are they formed? And who is the creator?

What are crop circles?

Crop circles are circular patterns on fields. They are intricate and enormous designs that can spread across hundreds of meters, creating a massive and peculiar work of art. The giant “painting” is created by flattened crop stems, which usually lie in a clockwise or counterclockwise spiral.

Viewed from above, the circles show sharp contrasting colors, precise and crisp lines down to the centimeter, and an unbelievable degree of symmetry. Despite the bent and flattened crops, they continue to grow and develop normally.

Crop circles do not discriminate when it comes to choosing the land to “set foot on.” They appear on any flat ground, including wheat, corn, rice, oats, and even weeds.

The “harvesting season” for these circles is around April to September each year, coinciding with the harvest of crops.

Interestingly, these circles form very quickly, only overnight, possibly to avoid the prying eyes of curious onlookers.

Crop Circle output from any?

Crop circles have been reported to have appeared sporadically in many areas for centuries. According to records, the phenomenon was first discovered in the 14th century when local residents were frightened by the strange symbols and believed them to be the work of the devil.

It was not until the 1980s when a farmer in Wiltshire, England discovered three large circles, each about 18m in diameter, in his wheat field that people began to take notice. The media quickly reported the finding and scientists flocked to the area to conduct research.

By the 1990s, crop circles were appearing more frequently and tourists from all over the world began to visit the sites to observe and study this intriguing phenomenon. In Europe alone, there were over 500 crop circles reported in 1990, with thousands more in the following years.

These circles mainly appear in the southern part of England, particularly in Hampshire and Wiltshire counties, as well as in Avebury and Stonehenge, where there are many mysterious stone structures. They have also been reported in scattered locations around the world, including the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, and India.

How do crop circles look like?

Initially, the crop circles were discovered to be fairly simple, circular formations ranging in size from a few centimeters to several hundred meters. However, as time passed, they became more complex, no longer just consisting of single circles, but appearing in a variety of intricate shapes.

These shapes sometimes resemble a mysterious maze, an image of some insect species, or symbols of ancient civilizations, or even unknown forms of writing. Some people believe they are mysterious messages sent to humans, but they remain undeciphered.

Gerald S. Hawkins, an astronomer and former professor at Boston University, conducted extensive research on these mysterious formations. He discovered that many crop circles strictly adhere to mathematical principles.

According to the professor, the positions of the shapes in these huge artworks are based on specific numerical relationships. Some crop circles have an outer circle and an inner circle, with the area of the outer circle always being four times that of the inner circle.

The precise placement of these shapes indicates that the “creators” have a deep knowledge of Euclidean plane geometry, according to Professor Hawkins.

It seems that they collapsed due to sudden heating from within, similar to the energy in a microwave oven. And perhaps the most convincing hypothesis is that of UFO researchers. They believe that this is a product of extraterrestrial beings or a message from some mysterious civilization sent to humanity.

Evidence of this can be seen in 2001 when two Dutch farmers claimed to have witnessed “columns” of white light shining on their bean fields. Later, a crop circle appeared right where the light shone.

Check out the video of mysterious crop circles around the world, some of which contain alien alphabets.

After decades and generations of diligent research by scientists, they have yet to explain the strange phenomenon of crop circles.

We hope that in the not-too-distant future, thanks to the ever-increasing development of science and technology, we will have a truly satisfying answer.

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