
Devoted Pit Bull Surrenders Puppies to Ensure Owner’s Daughter’s Safety During Pregnancy

The hero of this story is a pit bull who sacrificed herself to protect her owners. Nong Horm, a courageous woman from Pathum Thani in central Thailand, fought off a snake that had entered her family’s garden. Unfortunately, she was unable to survive the venomous bite of the serpent.


Nong Horm, who was almost due to give 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡, displayed remarkable courage as she faced off against a monocled snake – known to be among the deadliest snakes in the world. Even though the snake posed a serious threat to her life, she fearlessly bit it on its lips with her pitbull’s help, causing it to succumb to the venom swiftly.

The family was unable to stop the incident, which occurred rapidly. Suriyon Chanthakhet, who is the owner, felt great remorse about what had happened. “Our amazing dog was 𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁ed while protecting us from the snake,” he lamented. My heart is shattered.” He expressed his sorrow, saying that he was crying at the thought of how much pain the dog must have experienced.


In the picture shown, Suriyon expresses her sorrow over losing her beloved dog Nong Horm and questions why such a tragic incident had to occur. Even though Nong Horm faced unfortunate events, she remained a courageous hero in Suriyon’s eyes.

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