
Irresistible Charm: Short-Legged Dog Melts Hearts, Captivating the Internet with its Patient Wait for Free Fried Chicken from a Stall

This adorable golden retriever really knows how to get free fried chicken, and his trick has not only won the stall owner’s heart, but also the hearts of thousands of internet users.

In several hilarious photographs of the intelligent dog, he can be seen sitting in front of a fried chicken stand and staring at a heap of freshly prepared fried chicken.

It was originally posted by an anonymous user before going viral on the internet.

“I observed the dog seated in front of a fried chicken stand with his eyes glued to the chicken. The caption reads, “He even refused to leave and continued to sit in front of the stall like a seal!”

“Can you hurry up with my order, please? I have waited for some time.”

The cute dog may have been patiently waiting for his owner to notice him sitting in front of the stall in order to receive free fried chicken.

However, the dog may have waited too long for his turn, as he pouts and displays a miserable expression when his fried chicken does not arrive.

Photos of the dog sitting in front of the fried chicken stand quickly went viral on the internet, as many individuals found the dog’s reaction to be hilarious.

However, some users commented that it is not good for dogs to eat greasy food like fried chicken and to sit in such posture as it will hurt their spine.

Nonetheless, this adorable and intelligent dog deserves a standing ovation for his determination to obtain free fried chicken.

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